

Plus + Restore


BIOCALF products are advanced, scientifically formulated oral nutritional products that ensure your calves receive optimal nutrition and digestive health during early development and periods of stress from transportation and feed changes.

There are two formulations



When should I use Oral Nutritional Compounds?

How do they help?

Your calves can lose electrolytes and fluids, if they are suffering from digestive upsets because of poor quality colostrum, nutritional imbalances caused by overfeeding, inconsistent feeding times, abrupt changes in feed and poorly mixed milk powder, which can cause dehydration, acidosis, nutritional deficits, electrolyte loss and a loss of energy.

Oral nutritional products like Biocalf Plus and Biocalf Restore are nutritional supplements containing similar ingredients as electrolytes, providing energy, minerals, and salts during early development and times of stress from transportation and feed changes to allow calves to continue to grow to an optimal weight and condition.

Biocalf products are easy to administer and effectively supplements milk feeds for your calves


BIOCALF™ Plus or BIOCALF™ Restore?

How do I determine which treatment I need?

Biocalf Plus is a premium supplement suppling an immediate and sustained boost of energy, with minerals, salts, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes and gelling agent to support digestive health during times of stress due feed changes.

If your calves are suffering severely from stress due to transportation or feed changes, Biocalf Plus is your best choice..

Biocalf Restore is a lower cost supplement. It is an ideal supplement for calves providing extra energy and minerals during development and times of stress. Biocalf Restore is ideal to use as a preventative supplement to work against common animal stressors such as transportation or feed changes.

If your calves are suffering from mild or moderate stress due to feed changes and as a preventative measure against the stress of transportation etc, Biocalf Restore is a cost-effective solution.


What do our clients say?

What have they found from using Biocalf?

Mike and Val Robinson

Te Kuiti

Using Biocalf Plus has assisted greatly when stress from feed changes have been a problem with our calves.

Before we started using the Biocalf Plus product, we were at our wits end. The results were unbelievable.

Trish, Mark and Troy Stevenson


We rear 6000 beef calves each year and have been impressed with the results obtained from using Biocalf Plus and Biocalf Restore for any calves suffering from stress due to transportation or feed changes

Biocalf Plus is as good (or even better) as the more expensive products I have used in the past.

Quick View

BIOCALF Plus is a supportive oral nutritional supplement for calves providing extra energy and minerals during early development and times of stress from transportation or feed changes. Contains Digestron800 probiotics and Guar gum to support digestive health.

Supplied in 1.5kg, 3kg, and 15kg containers

Newborn calf.jpg

Calf Rearing

What are the common mistakes people make?

A recent article written by Tony Waugh in his Calf Rearing blog, ‘Rearing Tips’, explains in detail the most common mistakes that people make when raising calves.

Download Full Article FREE

The list below are the key points. Feel free to download a PDF copy of the article, which goes into detail on each point

  1. Not Recognizing Sick Calf Behaviour

  2. Not Using Symptoms to Determine a Calf’s Condition

  3. Making the Wrong Diagnosis of the Cause of Scours

  4. Late or Inadequate Treatment of Scours

  5. Not Employing Proper Sanitation Methods

  6. Not Separating Sick Calves


Frequently Asked Questions

What do people ask the most about calf rearing?

  1. What extra ingredients are there in Biocalf Plus that are not in Biocalf Restore and other products? 

  2. What causes diarrhoea?

  3. Do electrolytes kill the disease causing nasties?

  4. What is required for a calf to recover from diarrhoea?

  5. How much electrolytes do I feed?

  6. Should I continue to feed milk while a calf has Diarrhoea?

  7. Should I mix electrolytes with milk?


BIOCALF™ Oral Nutritional Products

Proven to improve your animals condition and save you money.

Read technical and product information about our products below